Tuesday 21 June 2011

21st June 2011 – 8th day

“We got up at seven o’clock and went to the secondary school, then we did the presentations and ate in the canteen.” (Marcos)
“We went to Dowdales and gave our presentations. Then we had lunch at Dowdales and we went to the park. I played football.” (Jesús)

“We have given our presentations and it was great. The teachers have congratulated us. After lunch we did sports with the pupils of the school but Consti, Alicia and Andrea felt sick, so we left the school and went to a park. There I listened to music.” (Pedro)

“We prepared some presentations about Spain and Granada and her we explained our presentations. Then we went to the canteen for lunch.” (Raquel)

Andrea, María

“Today we went to Dowdales school to do presentations. We did them four times in four lessons but I’ll do my presentation tomorrow because I’m dancing with Aisha and Costi” (Ángela)
“I visited the school sports grounds of Dowdales where the kids do exercise and play all sports.” (David)

“We played football and other sports and I’ve made a new friend. His name is Danny. He took bugs from under the grass and put them in a bottle” (Alejandro)

“We had dinner. We have eaten baked potatoes with chicken.” (María)

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